Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trying to get a good shot!

Trying to get a good picture of my boys can be exhusting. I took 53 pictures in all and ended up with 3 good ones. Why is it that they can sit still forever in front of the T.V. but can't hold still for a few seconds in front of the camera! Below is a collage of some of the not so good pictures of the boy's. I think they turned out pretty funny!

And here we have the 3 good pictures. Gotta love boy's!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First 1st day of sceond grade

As you may know Triston will be starting Second Grade twice this year. Ashurst his current school started on Aug 19th but we are moving on Sept 15th and his new school Barrett starts on Sept 8th. He doesn't think this is very fair because he will have to be in second grade longer than everyone else. These are a few of the first 1st day pictures. Notice the missing tooth that is the second one he lost this year!