Saturday, July 4, 2009

Just a quick note

Well I lost my password for my blog and I have been to lazy/busy to do anything about it until now. I am currently at work so I can't access my pictures from the really fun trip to NYC I went on with my mom and kids.

The kids are doing fine Triston will be starting 2nd grade (wait can he be that old already?) and Keegan is just 3 days shy of making the age cut for preschool. Both boy's are little artist's, I guess it runs in the family. They love to color! Triston likes to draw and make books, lots of books. Keegan likes to color in coloring books and on himself, he is his own canvas, at least he stay's in the lines. Since it's summer now we have been to the pool a few times and Triston is getting braver all the time...the kid just gets so cold!! When we were at our hotel in NYC the pool was heated (nice and warm) and Triston was a fish, he was swimming all over. Okay so he doesn't have any strokes down at all but he was moving his arms and legs and swimming underwater. I was a nervous wreck. He looked like he was drowning everytime he would do this so I would grab him after a few seconds and he would get mad at me. He'd say "Mom I'm swimming here!" Keegan just sticks to blowing bubbles. When asked what his favorite part of swimming is he say's "Getting out!"

I still have my great job at Sempertoons where I work on Saturday's. It works out perfectly. Ian has changed jobs in the marine corps. He went from orders writer to reserve affairs whatever that means. He really likes his new job which means he is a little less crabby! Well thats everything for now. I will try to get on this week and post about our trip. HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!


Daven and Savanna Lake said...

Glad everything is going well! That's funny about the boys swimming...totally laughed out loud!