Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Haircut and Growing Up

Keegan was starting to look like a mop (see below) so I took him to get his haircut. He said he wanted to get his haircut like daddy so it was a BIG change. He has pretty much had the same haircut his whole life. I am still trying to get used to it. It makes him look so much older.



Speaking of looking older I can't believe how fast my kids are growing up. It's seems like just yesterday I was bringing them home from the hospital and now Triston is almost 8. I know there are days when I can't wait for them to grow up but then I look at these pictures of them and it makes me think that they really are growing up. I miss my little boys, (okay so they are both still small) I miss being able to hold them while I was doing household chores. Now they both help with the household chores.
Triston is really coming into his own and I think he has some of the pre-teen (did I really just type teen?) his attitude, and his back talking. He is liking his independence like going out and playing without mom there and getting his own food and paying for a few of his things with money he has earned. He still has his caring side which I hope he never loses. He is also getting a lot braver, not so much that I am scared but still it's there.
Then there is Keegan, he is very defiant which I believe he gets from his dad. If you tell him no he's going to stand up to you. He is really into copying his brother and wanting to do everything he does from coloring to playing with legos (and then getting frustrated when he can't do it right). He also has a very sweet personality. He (like his brother) tries to make you feel better when you are feeling down. He still likes to hold my hand (unlike his brother) and he doesn't get bothered when I try to get kisses from him in public, yet. Triston would rather I didn't!
I have put a couple of new pictures on here of them so you can see just how grown up they are getting.


Cheyenne said...

Wow! Keegan really does look older. That bottom picture of him looks just like Ian. I think I actually have a picture of Ian making that same face. I have a love-hate relationship with Olivia's aging process, too.